Pop Culture Universe is a database for those interested in American pop culture from the 1900s through the present time. It includes news articles, primary sources, statistical tables, timelines, videos, images, and commentary. There are four options for searches. The decades option lists all the decades from 1900 through the present with an introduction and lists of suggestion topics under it. The analyze option lists four decades with topics that greatly impacted American culture, such as “1950s: Cold War and Conformity.” The advanced search option allows for a more typical search. The user can enter keywords and then limit the search by checking particular criteria. The search can be limited by category - which includes seven main categories and multiple subcategories - decades, and subjects. There is also the option for a basic keyword search without limitations.
One of the more unique features of the database is that of the analyze option. When the user selects the topic, rather than simply receiving a list of sources, an entire lesson is presented. It begins with a key question pertaining to the topic followed by a brief example. The user can then select the “Need to Know” option which lists sources specific to that question. After that, the user can explore the “Dilemma” option that presents several perspectives on the question. After reading the perspectives, a list of questions to investigate is offered. Finally, a bibliography of more resources is given.
Critical Evaluation:
Pop Culture Universe is a unique resource. Rather than just the typical search database, it’s a fully functional learning tool. The analyze option provides a lesson plan in itself, as well as a way to guide those users who aren’t very sophisticated in their research habits. By grouping the sources together according to specific topics, the user can learn to understand how to determine sources that are appropriate for topics. The addition of the research question gives the user a one stop learning area for the topics included. The decade option can also streamline searches according to a specific time period that is being studied. For users who are slightly more advanced with their searching or who would like to learn about a topic spanning multiple decades and source types, the keyword search option is a good choice that retrieves documents in the manner of a more traditional database. Pop Culture Universe might not be the best choice for the more serious of researchers, as it does seem to be geared towards a younger audience doing classroom research, but it would be an excellent resource for a high school classroom setting.
Pop Culture Universe is a database of articles and sources on pop culture from the 1900s through modern times.
Company Information:
ABC-CLIO publishes reference products for the Social Sciences and History. It was first founded in 1955 as the American Bibliographic Company. In 1961, CLIO press was created as a subsidiary. The two were incorporated into ABC-CLIO in 1969. In 1971, the company expanded to Europe.
ABC-CLIO has eight History databases which have received more than 50 awards, including the Distinguished Achievement Award and the CODiE Award. Pop Culture Universe was distinguished by the ALA as the most outstanding and significant reference work of 2008 and given the Dartmouth Medal.
Curriculum Ties:
Can be used to find sources for classes on:History
Current Events
Pop Culture
Booktalking Ideas:
Reading Level/Interest Age:
All ages
Challenge Issues:
Challenge Defense Ideas:
If there were challenges:
- Require the challenger to fill out a written challenge form with clear reasons stated and examples given.
- If not already familiar with the content, become familiar.
- Refer the challenger to the library's collection policy.
- Refer the challenger to reputable reviews of the books, as well as reviews by those in the book's target audience.
Reasons for Selection:
This is a great premise for a database. It could be helpful for teachers looking for ways to make research more interesting to the students.